I couldn't put it better...


You get what you vote for ....and if you don't vote, you can't complain!


robertguyton said…
And if you don't campaign, you don't deserve to win a seat!

robertguyton said…
Have you seen the 'Your Vote Your Community' site yet bsprout?



You can go there and ask questions of the candidates :-)
Dave Kennedy said…
Thanks, Robert, checked this out and tried to promote my questionnaire. I'm hoping my blog will serve a function that this site won't.
robertguyton said…
Did you ask a question while you were there bsprout?
It's your civic duty to put the candidates to the torch!
robertguyton said…
What on earth is taking the others so long to post their details?
Can't they use the internet???


Someone should ask the question.
robertguyton said…
Then there were 13...


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